Tuesday, 17 April 2012

After the relentless sea of nappies/diapers with 3 boys all very close in age, I was adamant with my 4th I wouldn't wait too long! My mum had always said to me: "You can potty train as soon as they're sitting!" But I never even tried until they were 1! This time was different! My daughter had turned 6 1/2months and because of my feed her potty was constantly leaking. Clothes being changed 3-5times a day! When your rushing to collect the older 2 from school, plus waking the third from his nap with only 5 mins to spare, completely changing a child's clothes is the least of your worries! So I decided, let's see if it is true, that can you potty train so young! So one day my daughter woke up and I sat her on the 3-in-1 'Summers' potty, and hey presto, she peed in it! So I started looking for the signals, and as soon as she started grunting as if something was happening, I would sit her on! We've got potties down to an art, she wakes up in the morning and takes a nice big one, and then atleast 2 more times during the day! Just got to catch her peeing too! But I know that will come with me taking her at regular intervals!

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